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Chapter 54 Meeting Notes: November 2015

Minutes of the monthly meetings are provided here for the convenience of those unable to attend the meetings, and are not to be considered official Chapter records. Only those documents produced and retained by the Chapter Secretary are official. Minutes are posted in the month that they are taken, not the month that they are read and approved. The list of those present is inclusive, and may include non-members and guests.

Chapter 54 Meeting Minutes: November 2015

Date: November 12, 2015

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: WHRO Studios, Norfolk, VA

The meeting called to order at 1:05 PM by Chairman John Heimerl.


October meeting minutes were read by Charles Stutsman.

Committee Reports(s):
Treasurer's Report was given by Kimberly Beeman, Chapter Treasurer.
Disbursements and receipts:
The November meeting which was held on the 12th, was sponsored and the lunch was directly paid for by Chris Kontopanos of Sennheiser
There was a check card purchase in the amount of $9.23 from Food Lion for drinks.
Balance in Chapter Accounts:
Checking: $2534.82
Petty Cash: $244.05
Total Chapter Assets: $2778.87

SBE National: John Heimerl Reported that National has no position on smart phones during testing yet. National is using
Chapter 54 nomination and voting process as an example for the local chapter Engineer of the Year.

EAS: No report.

Certification: Discussion of getting more members certified..

Frequency Coordination: No report.

Web: Nothing to report

Membership: No report

New Business: John Heimerl introduced the 2015-2016 officers. Brought up that Joe Hardin (WNIS) is in the hospital and
suggested we inform others about any members who may be in the hospital.

The December meeting will be sponsored by Broadcast General Store with Telos & Omnia

Program: Chris Kontopanos of Sennheiser presented wireless mics and their plan to meet the new microphone frequencies after the UHF repack by the FCC.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.

Copyright - © 1999-2015, www.SBE54.org , ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . . . Last Updated: 11/17/2015