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Chapter 54 Meeting Notes: March 2013

Minutes of the monthly meetings are provided here for the convenience of those unable to attend the meetings, and are not to be considered official Chapter records. Only those documents produced and retained by the Chapter Secretary are official. Minutes are posted in the month that they are taken, not the month that they are read and approved. The list of those present is inclusive, and may include non-members and guests.

Chapter 54 Meeting Minutes

Date: March 14,2013

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: WHRO Studios, Norfolk, VA

The meeting called to order at 1:05 PM by Chairman Ray Lenz.


February Meeting Minutes were read by Charles Stutsman, Immediate Past President.

Committee Reports(s):

Treasurer's Report was given by Kimberly Beeman, Chapter Treasurer
Disbursements and receipts:
A purchase in the amount of $231.64 was made from Orapax Catering for the February 14th meeting for lunch.
A check card purchase amount of $21.53 was made from Food Lion for drinks for the SBE meetings.
Balance in Chapter Accounts:
Checking: $3,638.30
Petty Cash: $269.05
Total Chapter Assets: $3,907.35

SBE National: Ray Lenz discussed the 2013 National Awards. There is an online survey accesable from the
chapter 54 website (www.sbe54.org). Ray sent out an email letting all members that the survey is active.

EAS: Ray mentioned the movie trailer that contained EAS tones. Mike Matovich asked about college
stations EAS requirements.

Certification: Nothing to report.

Frequency Coordination: Wallops Island is using a frequency near BAS, 2GHz Channel 7. WHRO-TV uses Channel 7.

Web:. There is an online survey accessible from the chapter 54 website (sbe54.org). Ray sent out an email
letting all members that the survey is active.

Membership: Chris Gunnefsen reminded people that membership dues are due.

Old Business: Richard Dyer said there was a good turnout for the career fair held in Virginia Beach.

Program: Dennis Ford from Fibergroup and Ray Lego of Pesa presented routers coaxial or fiber.
(Pesa Switching Systems - www.pesa.com ) (Fiber group - www.fibergroupinc.com )

Meeting was adjourned at 2:35PM

Next meeting April 11. No program scheduled yet.

Copyright - © 1999-2013, www.SBE54.org , ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . . . Last Updated: 3/20/2013